I'm trying my best not to inherit my fathers anger

Before anything, let me get one thing straight. I love my father, he puts food on the table, he works hard and is probably the funniest person I know. That said. He has a toxic temper. I don't know where it comes from but he has this inane itch deep inside him that any chance he can be angry he takes it and I know it for a fact. Sometimes when he gets angry at me because of something I did, I can't do anything else to avoid his anger. If I apologize, he'd stare angrily at me and he'll tell me I'm not genuinely sorry. If I become confused of why he's angry (because sometimes the things he gets angry about is incredibly small and petty i.e shouting at his whole family to disconnect from the wifi rather than asking nicely or just sounding urgent but not mad) he'd tell me I'm acting dumb or I am dumb or have no brains (sometimes he'll say that directly to me). And If I try to explain that I did nothing wrong he'd sarcastically tell me that I'm ...